Devlog post - WEEK #3 - Manuel

Hello. For this week I didn't implement anything too extraordinary; I added a Start Menu where most controls were moved to, so that they're still somewhere without cluttering the in-game UI with too much junk and I also added a simple Dialogue system, which is intended to work for future character dialogue, such as NPCs, as well as interactable objects if needed, such as replacing some of the in-game tips if that's deemed necessary. Since there currently aren't any NPCs or cutscenes, no actual Dialogue events exist in the game at the moment, though I tested the feature with some interactable objects to ensure it was functioning as intended.

I also looked into building a parallax background with some of the assets we got from our fellow art students, but since I'm not very experienced on that field it didn't turn out as great as I envisioned, perhaps because I'm not placing the assets properly, or just not taking certain aspects such as lighting and perspective into account. I'll try to get a more or less working version done sometime this weekend, so that the code for the parallax is at least fully functional, thus making the layers easily swappable, and then I'll consult the art students to see what they think and if it's worth trying to refine the background with layers that are more appropriate to parallax backgrounds.

Next week I'll mostly be working on adding some simple cutscenes as well as properly incorporating my prototype features into the game. I'll also be updating the design document based on the feedback we received this week and also with any new content we've changed or added.

Thank you and see you next week!

...On second thought it doesn't look as bad as I thought earlier today; hopefully with moving layers it will look even better.

(also just wanted to flex how amazing the assets they are making for us are)

Get Oniden


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I saw this tweet that might help you visualize how to stack overlapping parallax layers.

It includes a simple trick to darken farther away layers, thus making them appear less important and more distant.